The City of Sheboygan, Lake Ontario, Kingston, Ontario
Pictures by Warren Lo © 2006
WRECK INFO:The City of Sheboygan was launched in Sheboygan, Wisconsin in 1871, and served on the Great Lakes for nearly 45 years. The ship foundered in rough waters amidst a heavy storm in September 1915 and sank just off Amherst Island, and in the process, losing the captain and his four crew. Because the wreck is further to get to from Kingston, conditions need to be right to make the trip out to her. As a result, the wreck is less frequently dove. The wreck itself is in fairly deep water (around 100 feet) and is in remarkably good shape. The wheel and anchor have been removed and can be found in a local museum.
The wreck is in excellent shape, from bow to stern. The windlass can be see on the bow, and as you move sternward, there are some cargo holds which you can penetrate quite easily. The masts and rigging are present, along with some deadeyes.
All Photos copyright © Warren Lo, 2006